Friday, February 20, 2009

Roh tells a story

Roh wanted to tell me a story and as he told me, he was standing on my hand weights. Suddenly he just disappeared from my view! The weights rolled out from under his feet. I was trying SO hard not to crack up laughing! The second half of the video is after a reset (ie Roh back on his feet). Excuse the messy study, it's ALWAYS that messy because I do handcrafts in it almost daily.


  1. Ohhhh! I could eat him all up. Does he have an Aussie accent? I couldn't really tell in that one. So this is like your vlog? I've got one with Simon too! My camera is mint at taking video.

  2. The Australian accent really isnt very strong in Western Australia, just the odd word sounds super Australian. E.g. "dance, yeah" Poor Roh spends every day with his kiwi aunty then goes home to his Australian parents and when he isnt with us he is with his granny who has a thick Scottish accent! He is heading towards an Australian accent, but he knows what jandals and togs are at least lol.

  3. Cute, though he must be a bit confused as to why everyone sounds different?! lol. Have you picked up on the accent at all yet? My family have picked it up a bit, it's kinda weird.

  4. He knows I come from somewhere far away and you have to go on a plane to get there.

    I havent got any of the Australian accent and I dont want it! Two things affect your ability to aquire a new accent. Firstly, if you move/live somewhere before puberty you will almost always aquire the new accent (eg your little brother) and secondly, how strongly you identify (as in a sense of pride) in where you came from and where you now live. Since I identify my sense of pride as being a kiwi, the chances of me picking up any of the accent is very low. Thank goodness for that! :P
